
4 Tips to Protect Ear Health in Summer

4 Tips to Protect Ear Health in Summer

Spending a long time in the pool and sea to cool off in the hot days of the summer season can cause ear infections.
Water leakage in the ear and related obstructions and inflammation of the middle ear are a significant part of these problems. These problems, usually caused by the ear canal, can be treated early without any permanent damage. People with chronic ear diseases or pressure problems need to be careful, especially in summer. Department of Otorhinolaryngology Op. Dr. Oguz Yilmaz, frequently encountered in the summer gave information about ear infections.

Wet ear causes infection
In the summer months, the frequency of inflammation of the external auditory canal in particular increases. The most important reason for this is taking frequent showers, spending long periods in the pool and sea. With its narrow structure that cannot be easily ventilated, the outer ear canal becomes susceptible to infection when it becomes wet and then completely dry and remains moist. Inflammation may develop in this area, which is moist and not established. Especially in swimmers and those with the congenital outer ear canal, this situation is more common. Microbes and bacteria in the water content in the ear canal grow rapidly in the canal, creating a risk of infection.
The most important symptom of itching in the ear
The most important early signs of external ear infections are pruritus that begins mildly in the ear. Then, even within hours, swelling, discharge, obstruction, hearing loss and very severe pain develop in the external ear canal. Patients sometimes have difficulty in chin movements and even chewing because of these symptoms and exacerbated pain. In elderly, diabetic and immunocompromised patients, the infection may progress and lead to a more severe infection, called malignant otitis externa, with bone inflammation. If these symptoms occur, an ear, nose and throat specialist should be consulted immediately.
To protect your ear health…
• After the pool or sea, dry the outer part of your ear with a clean napkin or tissue and never leave it damp. Do not mix your ear too much during this cleaning process. This may damage the outer ear canal. 
• Choose the pool or sea that is sure to be clean, do not enter the water you think is dirty. 
• The amount of chlorine in the pool water is an important factor in catching this disease. Chlorine in the pool water disrupts the acid/base balance of the external ear canal and causes infection more easily. Therefore, enter the pools where you are sure that they are constantly maintained and checked. 
• If you feel pain during the dive, go to the water immediately before going deeper.
Remove contact with water for treatment
Frequent examination in the treatment of this disease; aspirator cleaning, proper drug treatment, acid base balance in the external ear canal, pain control, control of factors such as diabetes, water contact is important. Almost all ear disorders require consultation and treatment by a specialist.

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