
What are the benefits of watermelon? benefits of watermelon

What are the benefits of watermelon?

The benefits of watermelon that refresh in summer ...

Besides its delicious and refreshing effect, watermelon is one of the preferred foods in Summer. Watermelon, which consists of 92% water, contains many water, vitamins, and minerals and provides many benefits from cancer to rejuvenate the skin, hair to feed and weight loss. Moreover, the kernel is useful! On the other hand, it is a fruit with high sugar levels and should be consumed with caution. “2 slices (280 grams)in watermelon 80 calories; It contains 20g sugar, 270 mg potassium, 17 g vitamin A, 21 g vitamin C, 4 g iron and 1g fiber. Because of the high potassium content, kidney patients should consult their physician. Insulin resistance, hypoglycemia, people with diabetes should also be very careful about portion control when consuming watermelons, should not exceed 2 slices (280 g). Especially if diabetes patients consume watermelon with cheese, they will maintain blood sugar balance. ” Nutrition and Diet Specialist explained the 8 benefits that come with the preferred watermelon and gave 3 delicious recipes that you can make with watermelon…

Reduces edema

Since watermelon is a fruit with very high water content, it has a diuretic feature, which makes it frequent to urinate. It is, therefore, a nutrient-like food in summer for those with edema problems. Watermelon, which helps prevent constipation due to its fiber content as well as water, promotes regularity for a healthy digestive system.

Balancing blood pressure

The amount of potassium and magnesium in the watermelon, blood pressure, which reduces blood pressure. Potassium is considered a 'vasodilator', which releases the tension on the blood vessels and arteries, thereby stimulating blood flow. It reduces stress on the cardiovascular system. The carotenoids in the watermelon also help to reduce the risk of blood pressure, blood clots, strokes, heart attacks, and vascular obstruction by preventing stiffness of the artery walls and vessels.

Protect hair and skin health

Watermelon is a perfect nutrient for our hair and skin thanks to the vitamins A and C it contains. Thanks to its high water content and vitamin A content necessary for sebum production that moisturizes the hair, it makes the skin look more vivid and beautiful. Vitamin C also helps in the production of collagen, a protein that makes the skin healthy, supple and strong; skin cells, as well as repairing cells.

Fighting against cancer

Watermelon is a fruit rich in antioxidants. It contains lycopene, an antioxidant that blocks cancer cells and strengthens the body's immune system, the immune system. Thanks to the high vitamin C content, it prevents the formation of free radicals that cause cancer in the body. Scientific studies reveal that the protection of watermelon, especially against prostate cancer.

Keeps your heart healthy

“Cucurbocitr, which also contains watermelon seeds, helps to lower blood pressure and regulate kidney function. Rich in single and multiple fatty acids, watermelon protects your heart health by reducing bad cholesterol in the blood. 1 handful of watermelon seeds will suffice each day. Chewing or swallowing directly will not notice. Those who do not like their raw taste can also consume by roasting in the oven. ”

Organizing sleep

Watermelon, high magnesium content helps to sleep quality. It reduces sleep disorders and insomnia.

Boosts memory

Preserving the structure of cell membranes, nerve conduction in the task of providing fatty acids rich in watermelon seeds, thanks to these effects facilitates learning, strengthens memory. It also helps the absorption of fat, reduces chronic inflammation.

Relaxes muscles

Consuming watermelon and watermelon juice right after the sport helps to reduce muscle pain, strengthens the muscles, accelerates the recovery process after exercise. For quick muscle recovery, 1 cup of watermelon juice can be drunk immediately after the sport.

3 delicious recipes with watermelon from Nutrition and Diet Expert ...

Watermelon smoothie (200 calories)
  • 2 slices of watermelon
  • 5 pieces of strawberry
  • 1 juice one lemon
  • 1 teaspoon of honey

Preparation: Cut watermelon and strawberries in the freezer for 1-2 hours. Watermelon and strawberries taken out of the freezer, lemon juice, and honey are passed through the blender, can be shared with glasses, if you wish you can serve with fresh mint leaves.

Salad with watermelon (180 calories)

  • 2 slices of watermelon
  • 1 cup chopped arugula
  • 5-6 pieces of mozzarella cheese

Preparation: Chop the watermelons cube. Add on chopped arugula. You can serve mozzarella cheese on top.

Watermelon pizza (150 calories / 1 slice)

  • Watermelon cut into 4 pizza slice shape
  • 4 spoons of curd cheese
  • 4-5 sprigs of mint

Preparation: Place the slice of watermelon on a plate. Add curd cheese on top. You can serve with mint leaves.

Watermelon is perhaps one of the most consumed fruits of summer. The benefits of watermelon, which include vitamin B and C and sodium, calcium, potassium and iron minerals, do not stop counting.  Here are the unknown benefits of watermelon seeds

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